Dare you take the stairs up the great shadowy chamber at the heart of the tomb? What lies above in the echoing, crumbing darkness? How can we reach that ledge far across the chasm? Enter a three-layered tomb crammed with mage burials, temple crypts, sanctuary altars and boss encounters ... an adventure map pack of 18 hand drawn maps including optional lairs for cave beasts and spiders! These maps are ready for a full mini-adventure of a number of evening sessions or perhaps you need a huge tomb for a frightening three-shot dungeon-crawl!
This set includes:
Tomb of Many Stairs (74×53) - a three-layer tomb linked by a central stair chamber. Filled with cracked sarcophagus, rotting coffins and evil altars - or use the empty version to fill with your own objects. Just add monsters to start playing!
Tomb of Many Stairs Monster Lairs (74×53) - the tomb is being robbed by a band of raiders on the first level, but up above await spider lairs, myconid gardens, creeping living undergrowth and evil liches!
Labelled versions (74x53) - labelled versions of the three layer tomb to help you see where traps could be placed, monsters located and secret treasure chambers unlocked.
Tomb of Many Stairs Separate Levels - the three layers (in empty and dim variants) have been placed on separate maps for your ease.
How will the players bridge the gap across the chasm on level 3?
I have used these maps in a variety of planned adventure locations as part of campaign stories. Each map contains interesting details such as niches for traps or rooms for monster lair locations or whole rooms of undead guardians or the use of summoning runes to raise demons or devils.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)