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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Siege The Castle

Author: Norse Foundry

This art will be available in the Art Library of all your games. Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits.

Price: $5.99

So you are on a great adventure but there is this castle that doesn't want to let you in. Time to pull out the canon, catapults, trebuchet and the battering rams. Let's siege the castle! 31 tokens containing all the weapons of destruction you might need to breach the walls and claim victory. Take your Roll20 Game to the next level. Professional art from the Norse Foundry art team, any support from this will go towards making future tokens, maps and adventures and supporting our artists. We appreciate your support and don't forget to check out the dice and accessories on our website and Patreon.

Want to use this art pack in your own published Roll20 module? The Creator of this Art Pack is open to discussing Commercial Licensing for an additional licensing fee. Please use the contact information found in their Creator Profile to inquire.

31 Items Included in Siege The Castle

Siege ladder

castle siege siege ladder

Siege ladder2

castle siege siege ladder2

Siege tower (closed)

closed castle siege tower (closed)

Siege tower (opened)

castle opened siege tower (opened)


ballista castle seige

Battering ram

castle seige battering ram

Bombard cannon

castle seige bombard cannon

Cannon crew captain

castle captain cannon crew

Cannon crew carrier

carrier castle cannon crew

Cannon crew fireman

castle fireman cannon crew

Cart full of bolts

castle cart bolts

Cart full of cannonballs

castle cart cannonballs


castle catapult seige

Dwarf cannon crew captain

castle captain dwarf cannon

Dwarf cannon crew carrier

carrier castle dwarf cannon

Dwarf cannon crew fireman

castle fireman dwarf cannon

Evil battering ram

castle seige evil battering ram

Flaming battering ram

castle seige flaming battering ram

Giant crossbow

castle siege giant crossbow

Great cannon

castle siege great cannon


castle siege mangonel


castle siege mortar

Musket cannon

castle siege musket cannon

Oil cauldron

castle siege oil cauldron

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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)