Deep under the city lies a passageway that has long been forgotten about. Over time water has seeped in and your party must push through the twists and turns of the tunnels to find their destination.
A new 3D modeled isometric set for the ever growing collection. Using this and any other of The Iso Explorer asset sets allow you to create custom dungeons that capture the look and feel of classic PC RPG games. This set adds more preassembled wall and floor pieces that make building dungeons even faster.
If you are new to playing in isometric, its actually very straightforward to do in Roll20. When you make a new map page, just disable grid. Then just drag the map assets to the map layer. Map assets have a grid and no grid version, so you can use that to count out distance if need be. Also, it is possible to play with the map page settings to get things to scale correctly so that the distance measurement works, but in practice I find that it works fine with just counting squares.
Feel free to join The Iso Explorer discord to let me know what you think of these assets. I would love to see what you put together.
As well as check out The Iso Explorer patreon for sample maps, character art, special tokens and more.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)