No town is complete, without the means to get your party back on their way. This is especially true when it comes to your mechanics. They worked hard for that set of wheels, and now its time to make them maintain them. This set has all the items you will need to make sure your wrench-turners are well supplied, and well prepared to handle your party's pride and joy.
This Set has 85 digitally rendered props and mechanics to prepare your party for any circumstance or scenerio. They come in both Top down for mapping, and Front facing for description and hand outs. Enjoy !
DMS Creations
Want to use this art pack in your own published Roll20 module? The Creator of this Art Pack is open to discussing Commercial Licensing for an additional licensing fee. Please use the contact information found in their Creator Profile to inquire.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)