This title (normally $6.99) is only $4.19 for a limited time!
Bring your games to life with this set of animated drifting clouds.
Included in this pack you will find a number of cloud animations which vary in size, shape and duration. The clouds slowly drift across your map and are dynamic, meaning their form shifts over time – they’re not still images.
Each cloud and its shadow have been uploaded as separate elements, allowing you to control the height your clouds seem to be at and the direction that the shadows are being cast. This also gives you the option to use one without the other if you wish – i.e. clouds without shadows or just the shadows.
In total there and 20 cloud animations, and 20 corresponding shadow animations – so 40 animations in total.
• Clouds 1 to 13 have a “gap” in their loop cycle. This means there is a short break before the animation restarts, this is to try and break up any feeling of immediate repetition.
• Clouds 14 to 20 have no gap.
The gap on animations 1 to 13 will last between 20 and 60 seconds. Some of this time may have been placed at the beginning of the animation loop to add a delay, so do not worry if your cloud does not immediately appear upon placement.
Please feel free to check out my store for more animated content.
I hope you enjoy.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)