Have you been hankering to get a game going but everywhere you turn you find portrait packs full of magical orks, dwarves and elves and such? They look great, but you're running a hard scifi game and you just need humans!
If so, this pack is for you!
In the pack below you'll find 21 front-facing characters, each with an indoor/outdoor variant (560px) and a handy face crop (280px) so you won't waste time in the editor (unless you want to!) Inside you'll find several cops, fixers, hackers, doctors, friendly neighborhood smugglers and more that can be added to your games as background, contacts, and even used as PCs too!
I just want to say thanks to everyone that buys something! If you have a commission idea, request, question or comment feel free to send me a PM here on Roll20 or come find me on Twitter.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)