21480 x 17280 pixels
306 x 246 squares
Scale : 70 pixel per square : it can be used as a battlemap or a city map.
You can also print it and make a large poster out of it.
It can be the hellish mirror of the Coastal Keep Abbey on this plane. Both citadels may be linked in some way, one being the keep of open Knowledge and the other of dark secret forbidden knowledge.
Your players could strike a deal or contract with those dark inhabitants to gain access to lost knowledge or even to open a (temporary) portal (south asset in the courtyard) ) to the Island Keep of Knowledge Coastal Keep Abbey and be able to visit the material plane for a limited time (buy gear and magical items for example).
Another idea is that the centre tower is the tower that controls all the chains that hold cities to Hell and in the darkness binds it. Taking control of the tower could allow PCs to release the trapped city.
This fortress can also be an Archdevil Fortress or a (very very) small Brass Citadel.
Find tons of Hell related maps and tokens and many others : My other creations
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)