This title (normally $5.99) is only $3.59 for a limited time!
Whether you find yourself in the big city or in a small farming town, market day is always an opportunity to mingle with foreign merchants, hear rumours from far away lands and buy exotic goods.
The early morning wind carried with it the smell of spices, freshly prepared street food and perfumed oils. The sound of haggling merchants, speaking in a multitude of foreign tongues and the excited clamor of customers could only mean one thing. The market was in town.
Thrilled, the adventuring party prepared to go shopping. The heroes would need a lot of supplies for the coming journey and this market day was a welcome surprise.
“- Huh? A discount? Why on earth should I give you a discount? I don’t even know your name.”
- Grunil Basaltaxe, Dwarf Merchant.
Marketplaces are a brilliant set piece for a chase scene, a fight or even something nice to look at as the players role-play, coerce or steal from honest traders.
In this pack you will find the means to create your own marketplace which includes useful things such as:
Combine this token pack with any of my previous ones to make a more unique experience for your players. The items in this token pack gel especially well with the items in my Thief Guild pack and the Snoring Cat Inn pack.
As always thank you for buying my token pack, if you are interested in more check out my other stuff and follow me on twitter for more updates and previews at @vicnedel02
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)