Set 6: All Creatures Great and Small
This pack contains animals of all types, excellent for wilderness adventures! The pack contains 25 bordered, full-body tokens for monsters published by Frog God Games, including:
Badger, Prehistoric Honey
Bat, Doom
Bat, Mobat
Beaver, Armor Plated
Beaver, Prehistoric.jpg
Bighorn Bison
Cadejo, Dark
Cadejo, Light
Death Cow
Deer, Onyx
Elusa Hound
Hamster, Giant
Iron Cobra
Lantern Goat
Lynx, Giant
Mammoth, Woolly
Moose, Two-Toed Horned
Noble Streynor
Rakklethorn Toad
Rhino, Prehistoric (Embolotherium)
Rhino, Woolly
Sabertooth Jaguar
Sloth, Giant
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)