After finding the assimilated village and dealing with the locals, your party decides to investigate for the source of this infestation.
After a bit of looking for clues, one of you finds the body of a guard being slowly pulled into a cave. The party decides to follow it to the source and you find yourself facing a mass of deceased vegetation, animals and even people, all being feasted on by an enormous bulb of a creature, sprouting mushrooms in every direction.
In combat the creature can release spores that damage your players if they stand in the area.
After they defeat the monster, as it falls, it will send a last pulse of nutrition thru it's vines to the heart of the fungal network. (Vines exiting at the top-right)
Your party can clearly see this, as the vines and roots pulse when it happens, and your players can decide to follow it to finally end this nightmare.
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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)