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Hello guys!
Highly requested Camping pack if finally done! ^^
Featuring 5 Tent Types in 5 different color variants, as well as "transparent roof" option for each one :)
Multiple Lean To variants to compliment the tents, Bedrolls, Campfires and couple bonus assets like Firewood, Hunting Bow, Hunting Trap, Woodchopping Block with an Axe, Cauldrons, Blankets and Pillows!
There will be a follow up on this pack soon with "encampment" stuffs like Wagons, Carts, Palisades, Wooden Barricades etc. so stay tuned ^^
If you have any feedback, suggestions or ideas for future content you can join our Discord where you can also get some sneak peaks of what are we currently working on :)
This pack and all of our content is possible thanks to our wonderful Patrons and everyone that decides to support us by buying one of our packs here, Love you all and thank you for your support! ^^
161 Items Included in Dungeon Props - Camping
Bedroll Blue
blanket sleeping bedroll sheet sleep rest resting bed camp camping cloth fabric
Bedroll Canvas
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Green
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Red
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Rolled Blue
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Rolled Canvas
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Rolled Green
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Rolled Red
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Rolled White
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Rolled Yellow
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll White
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Bedroll Yellow
token fantasy blanket sleeping sheet
Blanket 1 Blue
token sleeping blanket rest resting
Blanket 1 Brown
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 1 Canvas
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 1 Navy
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 1 Red
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 1 White
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 1 Yellow
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 2 Blue
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 2 Brown
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 2 Canvas
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 2 Navy
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
Blanket 2 Red
token fantasy sleeping cover sheet
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