Right in the center of The Swamps is the muddy town of Duwyn, named after the Mire of the same name. It is among the largest settlements in the Swamps and has always served as the capital of the County of Duwyn. Since Count Dunkur Hurmuir left to fight in the War, the city has been claimed by Bandit-King Gyn, and put under the command of his luitenant Fasgard. Dunkur’s son, Darstur, is now the Count of Duwyn after his father died. He aims to reclaim his old holdings, but doesn’t have the manpower to overthrow the new Bandit-Kings.
This pack includes the following variations, all with and without labels:
Duwyn Autumn
Duwyn Winter
Duwyn Desert
Duwyn Jungle
Duwyn Ruined
Duwyn Rain
Duwyn Fog
Duwyn Shadowfell
Duwyn Parchment
Duwyn B&W
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