Deep beneath the Underdark lies Vlyndoryss, a drowned Dark Elf lair suspended within a cavern half-submerged by an ancient, inky black lake. Broken towers and web-like bridges stretch precariously over the still waters, their surfaces reflecting faint glimmers of bioluminescent fungi in eerie shades of green and blue.
The air smells of damp stone and decay, and the soft lapping of water echoes through the cavern. Long-abandoned halls and submerged tunnels hold secrets of the once-thriving city, their walls now cloaked in algae and dripping with moisture. Shadows ripple unnaturally beneath the water, hinting at creatures far deadlier than the Dark Elves themselves.
Lolth’s faithful still linger here, conducting forbidden rituals atop islands of jagged stone and half-sunken shrines. Their whispers echo through the flooded halls, prayers to a goddess who no longer answers—or does she?
Every step into Vlyndoryss feels like a gamble, where the waters conceal traps, predators, and the weight of a forgotten curse.
Will you dive into its depths, or be swallowed by the dark tides?
Map size: 30 x 53
Setting Theme: Underdark
Variations: Flower, Throne, Grave, Fungus, Steps
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)