Embark on a frosty expedition through the "Icehouse" map, where ancient ice flows through a frozen landscape. Uncover the secrets of an ancient glacier, where every crack and crevice holds whispers of a long-forgotten past. This map combines the serene beauty of an icy wilderness with the thrill of discovering hidden mysteries. Each step through the icy corridors reveals new enchantments and wonders, buried deep within the glacier's cold embrace.
This pack include 10 different variants including:
• Day
• Hole
• Ship
• Ship blood
• Ship in ice
• Ship night
• Ship sinking
• Ship storm
• Hole shark
• Space
Map number #060
Combat map properties:
Resolution: 3072 x 4096 pixels at 140 dpi
Grid: 30 x40 @ 140px
Total: 20 maps
Leave your feedback about our map, this will help us improve our map.
The maps in this pack were designed by d20 Dragon and made using the assets from Forgotten Adventures.
If you wish to support us and see many more of our maps, tokens and adventures visit the d20 dragon Patreon
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)