The city of Rothenna is known for its skilled blacksmiths, fine armor stores, and smoky cured venison meats. Many traders and adventurers drip by the bustling city looking for merchandise or work, but what they ignore is that the big city is also famous -or infamous, at that- for its thriving underworld activities, from thievery, bribes, corruption and even murder…
That is why I would advise you to stay away from the many dark and seemingly quiet dead end alleys scattered around the city… 🌆🏘️📦
[20x10] — Gridded & Non-Gridded — Day & Night version
• Dead End Alley
• Dead End Alley - Murder
• Dead End Alley - Fire
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With that, I hope you have an awesome day and a life full of adventures! 🥰🗺️🎲
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