The origins of Valentine's Day are the subject of debate. Whether you believe it originates from a Pagan holiday, a celebration of a martyred Catholic Saint, or simply a clever marketing ploy by Hallmark to sell cards, one thing you can be certain of: the month of February is viewed as a month of romance in which love is celebrated. Love is a many-splendored thing, and a good cause for celebration.
I do not know of many Valentine's Day related campaigns, but the tokens included in this set should serve you well year-round. Love is not only present on a single day of the year. These couples are fit to be seen in taverns or inns across your campaign at any time. Love may be in the air this month, but love is eternal. I hope that the affection displayed in this art set has a home in your game because a world without love is a world that is sorely lacking.
Sizing. These tokens are appropriately sized for Roll20 with each gaming square representing a 5ft. sq. area and are constructed to fit to the grid so resizing does not distort the token. Unless stated otherwise in the token name, the default size is 1x1. When you pull the pieces onto your VTT these will be sized as I've marked them to make things easier for you! Also worth noting, many of my tokens are high enough definition to be resized larger several times before the the quality drops off.
Recurring Characters. Is there someone, or multiple someones in this set you'd be interested in seeing more of? Perhaps other poses or other color variations? Maybe you'd like to mix up the couples and see one of the elves with one of the half-orcs? Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my sales inquiry email and I can incorporate them into a future set.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)