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The Imperial Teahouse welcomes all for a relaxing, hot beverage. Set behind walls, it is serene, calm and a place of peace. This façade contrasts with the activity within.
The front room is busy and caters to many with aspirations of importance. How important or powerful (is there a difference?) one is becomes clear depending on how far into the establishment they can progress. In the next room, the Performance Room, are the movers plotting their way ahead or the fallen trying to mitigate their losses. To cross the short bridge to the Lodge can take lifetime’s work, or one successful gambit. From the Lodge, the very best get to ride the boat to the Barge. Conversations here have ramifications across the Empire.
Here is our Imperial Teahouse map set. Great for social challenges, espionage, assassinations or just a common Teahouse brawl.
• 13 maps at 35 x 48
• Interior and exterior versions
• day, night, eldritch, winter and astral variants
• available with and without grids.
Enjoy the serenity.
The Ame Kuma Infusers
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