The Hunter was a peaceful loner despite his monstrous proportions. He lived recluse in the dark woods with his daughter most young until someday she was swallowed by the somber paths. In his desperate hour the Hunter visited the foreboding cottage of a hag most fowl. She promised him his daughter was alive and well. She would make sure that the poor girl would not lack of anything, but in exchange, she asked for a favor. Should he provide a steady supply of hands to toil in her workshop and flesh to boil in her kitchen, she will do the impossible for him to see his daughter again. From now on, the Hunter locked his eye not upon the beasts of the woods, but upon the travellers of the night. The weary, the young, the ill-prepared. All who shall meet an unsavory end to the Hunter's traps. Take care when treading through his woods, for his ear is sharp and his knife is long.
Dimensions : 40x30 ; PPI : 100
* Day — Animal pelts slowly dry in the afternoon air. The sickening stench of rotten meat comes from the old barn. Is the hunter home ?
* Night — Dark clouds obscure the moon. A thin smokestack elevates from the crumbled chimney. As you enter the abode, you can hear someone breathing loudly not too far away in an adjacent room. The rotten floorboards creak under your steps. Mind the traps outside... and inside !
* Trackless — No one has visited the cabin recently... or left it in ages. No tracks can be seen in the mud. Although... it is definitely inhabited !
* Bloodshot — As the crimson moon rises above your head, a strange blood lust takes posession of the beasts of the woods.
Long time game master and map maker, I focus on creating detailed and atmospheric maps that enhance your games, both on a strategical and visual level, providing various environments, covers and hazards for both your players and NPCs to work around or exploit.
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~ Eledryll
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