In the heart of the hive, a macabre ballet unfolds as monstrous insects tirelessly toil amidst the sticky sweetness of honey-drenched combs. The air vibrates with the hum of industrious wings, creating an ominous symphony that echoes through the labyrinthine chambers. Within the shadowed recesses, grotesque eggs pulsate with an otherworldly energy, promising not only the birth of new horrors but also the imminent clash of blades against the nightmarish guardians of this unholy sanctuary.
Pack Includes:
40x30 — Gridded & Non-Gridded
• Hive – Sticky web and honey cover the walls and fill the rooms as you venture deeper
• Hollow – Barren shelter from the elements, don't wander too deep
• Lava – Molten rock bubbles from beneath the surface, the cavern an oven of heat
• Blight – Acidic pools boil and writhe in pits and basins
• Underdark – The dark subterranean is light by the eerie glow of lichen and crystal
• Creature – Wet fleshy growths cover the walls and tendrils snake between bulbous sacks
• Spider – Webs crisscross every path, crunching underfoot, sticking to everything it touches
• Water – Heavy rains have filled the low areas of the caverns
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Cheers and Safe Travels Friend!
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