This cyberpunk-inspired Guns Market is a large store featuring multiple weapons vendors. A place where your players can go to get fitted out with the latest armaments and ogle at the hardware display cabinets for the gear they cannot afford (yet).
This establishment also comes with a shooting range so your players can test out their guns before purchase.
The map pack comes with the following variants in swappable tile formats (you overlay the tile on top of the base map within your favorite virtual tabletop software):
Display Cabinet Raid
Someone has managed to open the high security display cabinets to steal product. The perps fled the scene but left some interesting crates filled with weapons tech on the ground.
New Stock Arrival - Delivery Day
Once a week, a delivery truck drops off new stock via the back parking lot/delivery zone. There are some large trolley's covered in tarp, filled with product by the back doors, waiting to be shelved.
Target Practice
A decapitated body lies at the back wall of the shooting range, with blood and cranial fragments splattered against the wall. Someone's got a big gun.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)