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The ravine fell silent as you passed through the remnants of decrepit and long forgotten fortifications. Corrugated shields and plate armor litter the ground, their mission of protecting whoever carried them evidently failed. Broken spears and destroyed standards stick out of the ground, forming an almost impenatrable forest of spikes. Long forsaken tombs are unequally spread across the chasm. Stone vestiges of the lives they were intended to honor at some point in the past, like the melted candles that cover their cold surface. As you approach the empty battlefield, a thick fog rolls in, carrying tense whispers and chilling murmurs. Whatever still looms over these cliffs, you evidently disturbed it !
Dimensions : 30x40 ; PPI : 100
* Night (Candles) — A dark, moonless sky shrouds the scene in shadows.
* Day (Candles) — A hopeful light shines on the graves.
* Dusk (Candles) — A purple haze engulfs the tombs as the sun slowly disappears beyond the cliffs.
* Rainy (Candles) — Heavy rain creates puddles of water around the graves, masking the noise of what's approaching.
* Day — A feeble light shines over the cliffs. No candles honor the fallen.
* Night— A dark night has fallen over the ravine. No candles honor the fallen.
* Cursed fog — A thick fog rolls in with the cold wind, embracing most of the valley.
* Vengeful Vigils — Angry spirits dart around the fog, looking for new victims to add to their army.
* Embers of the Fallen — Tiny flames dance on the graves of the fallen.
* Haunted Flames — Bright purple flames erupt from the candles, giving a glimpse of the foul magic at play.
* Morning Mass — The sun dawns on the burning candles, shining a ray of hope on this desolated scene.
Long time game master and map maker, I focus on creating detailed and atmospheric maps that enhance your games, both on a strategical and visual level, providing various environments, covers and hazards for both your players and NPCs to work around or exploit.
Get my other maps on Roll20 here !
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~ Eledryll
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