This title (normally $4.99) is only $2.99 for a limited time!
This bundle pack includes grid and gridless 40x30 isometric maps with day, night, flooded and blooded variants. You can grab an animated version here. The stench of this lower section of the dungeon wafts painfully up the nostrils, as all its oozing waste is pumped down into a festering pool of green sludge. The narrow tunnels lead around this pool, with a number of slime-rotted doors leading into it and to the chambers and network of corridors beyond. This is not a place to remain within for any reasonable length of time.
Encounter Hook
As the party winds its way through the tunnels into and around this wretched pool of excrement and more, it might begin to wonder why every door is locked. Beyond the bubbling and splashing in the pool might be heard a low moaning or gurgling. Something lies within. The party might have no reason to unlock the doors into the pool, but was that a cry for help within? And as it spots the slime that's coating the doors begin to ooze into the door locks, was that an opening click?...
Need more maps?
All my other Roll20 maps can be found here. You can download & use all my maps for offline use. My Venger's Realm Map Vault is crammed with 300+ premium battle maps, including top-down, isometric, animated, and more. Access that and all my weekly map releases on Patreon, and thanks so much for your interest.
Meantime, enjoy this one & happy rollin'!
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)