This collection contains 202 military unit tokens designed for tabletop wargaming and games with a military and strategic focus. Markers are handmade and are compatible with Roll20's tabletop system. Markers depict various unit type symbols based on symbology traditionally used for WWII era strategy games. Each unit roster has normal and elite versions of tokens for army, naval and airforce units. There is also a token for unknown unit, for game systems that might include fog of war mechanic. In this pack there are two color variants, stylized for WWII Canada and Australia forces.
-32 military unit airforce tokens (including 2 color variants and normal/elite versions), (256x256 pixels),
-52 military unit navy tokens (including 2 color variants and normal/elite versions), (256x256 pixels),
-116 military unit army tokens (including 2 color variants and normal/elite versions), (256x256 pixels),
-2 military unit unknown tokens (including 2 color variants), (256x256 pixels),
Military unit tokens are essential for any modern wargaming scenario as well as any game that has a large military or strategic focus. They can be used in strategic gameplay, battle scenarios, mission briefings or as elements of dashboards and props during player in-game planning.
This military unit tokens collection can be used through Roll20's art library system in the Marketplace Purchases section. Add the token you want to one of your games by dragging and dropping it form the library onto a map or a dashboard. Tokens will auto-fit and snap to grid if it is enabled. There is no limit to how many tokens can be placed simultaneously and each item can be used multiple times at will.
Have fun and happy wargaming! If you like this type of content be sure to check out my seller page here for more.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)