In the land of Knurden lies the grand coastal town of Kalstor, the most powerful and influential settlement on the Broken Coast. The town is fortified with a strong wooden palisade and a floodable ditch, which protects it from enemy invasions. Three sturdy wooden bridges span over the trench, providing access to the town from different directions. Kalstor Castle and Keep, constructed with massive stones and bricks, stands tall on the southwest coast. It serves as a military stronghold and the seat of power for the lord of Kalstor. Within its walls lies a well-guarded vault that holds the town's most coveted treasure - an ancient dwarven scepter of mysterious powers known only to the ruling lord.
This pack includes the following variations, all with and without labels:
Town of Kalstor
Town of Kalstor Winter
Town of Kalstor Desert
Town of Kalstor Ruined
Town of Kalstor Feywild
Town of Kalstor Fog
Town of Kalstor Shadowfell
Town of Kalstor Rain
Town of Kalstor Autumn
Town of Kalstor Night
Town of Kalstor Parchment
Town of Kalstor Line Art
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