The DC-3 is generally considered the greatest aircraft of all time. This is an 80+ year-old plane and there are still likely more than 150 of them flying today.
They’ve been used for passenger service, military transport, freight transport, skydiving and more. Hence the need to for so many different variations of this battlemap!
There’s a Private variation with a swanky interior and a Commercial variation with rows of seats for passengers. If you want to send your adventurers flying in Pulp Adventure style, there’s a 1930s variation. They can smuggle, steal or protect Cargo; investigate a spooky Abandoned ruin; or parachute behind enemy lines from the Military variation.
The pack includes 10 variations of the map, all in Night/Day, and Gridded/Ungridded versions. There are a total of 108 map images in this pack.
Except for the Abandoned variations, there are Flying versions of each plane. These are PNG files with a transparent background, so they can be placed over a landscape image, or even used as tokens on a map.
Cargo Variations: Empty, Full, Mysterious
Abandoned Variations: Cargo, 1930s, Commercial
2240 × 3080 px; 16 x 22 squares; 140 px Grid (5').
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)