The Four now stand, resolve of stone,
Bold heroes all, in service to lord's throne.
Their lives, those of honour and duty both,
To slay a demon most foul,' twas their oath.
A monsterous fiend of the deepest Abyss,
It's sharp claw and vile presence, none could resist.
Fought they did, twelve days, twelve nights
Atop the falls of Tryos, those lofty heights.
Till by strength of arm and force of mind,
They stood victorious, through power combined.
But such was the stain upon land thus corrupted,
A ritual was needed, and a duty entrusted.
To ensure their foe could not return,
Its foul soul was bound within a crystal urn.
Such magic rare comes without heavy price.
Only the noblest of heroes, given as sacrifice.
Their souls joined their quarrel entombed,
To forever ensure it shall never be exhumed.
Excerpt from the saga 'The Legend of the Four', recorded by Thas Lagors
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George - The Reclusive Cartographer
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