Standing as a bastion of order amidst the chaos, the imposing stone walls rise high, weathered by years of service, and the sound of guardsmen's footsteps echo throughout the courtyard. The barracks, a symbol of safety and justice, is home to the dedicated men and women who serve as the guardians of the city's peace.
The City Watch Barracks stands tall, a steadfast beacon of order in a chaotic world. Those that serve are revered by those who know the value of honor, integrity, and a good pair of boots.
Hi all!
I am pleased to present our latest map, City Watch Barracks. If your players are anything like mine, then run-ins with the laws are a daily occurrence, so it stands to reason that a headquarters for the brave men and women of the ‘the thin brown line’ would be good to have!
Indeed I would say this is a perfect opportunity to write Commander Vimes (of Discworld fame) into your campaign settings ;)
This pack includes 12 different variants
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George - The Reclusive Cartographer
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