Amidst the murky waters and twisted vines of the swamp, a solitary tower looms on a jagged hill. Its weathered stone walls stand defiant against the relentless assault of time and nature, a testament to its enduring isolation. In the eerie silence of the marsh, it is the only structure that offers a glimpse of civilization, the only respite from the biting insects and perpetual damp.
Pack Includes:
40x40 — Gridded & Non-Gridded — Nighttime Versions of Each
• Outpost – Three floored tower, stationed in the wetland wilderness
• Ruined – The ruins of a once proud tower lays fallen, retaken by the wilds
• Haunted – A thick mist rolls in, bringing with it motes of light that fill the air with an eerie glow
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Cheers and Safe Travels Friend!
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