Little things can really add up! Follow a line of ants around a dungeon and you might find yourself swarmed before too long! Some of these critters can even swarm in ways that suggest skulls, hands, and arrows, but whether those are symbols to help your player characters or lure them into harm is completely up to you! There are some single creatures too in case you'd like to introduce a little foreshadowing before really unleashing the fun! Plus half health Swarms so your players see they're not up against an endless amount of foes... until you roll initiative for a few more, of course!
Includes individual tokens for Bats, Poisonous Snakes, Quippers, Rats, Ravens, Scorpions, and Spiders.
Then unleash the Swarms of Ants, Bats, Centipedes, Flies, Locusts, Maggots, Poisonous Snakes, Quippers, Rats, Ravens, Rot Grubs, Scorpions, Spiders, and Wasps!
Volume 2 should be creeping its way into the marketplace very soon with some more exotic critter types!
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