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Whether you are role-playing in a Dark Fantasy world or questing in the forests of the Realms, these rangers are always watching.
Deep in the shadows of the Sylvan forest, stepping lightly and silently, the Elven rangers guard the secret entrances to their long forgotten kingdom. With powerful magics they protect the ruins of their once grand civilization.
The wisdom of the druids guides the tribes who live and hunt in harmony with nature. Those who follow the natural laws are accompanied by faithful companions and given the gift of sorcery.
However, being in tune with nature isn't always synonymous with harmony. There are those who see its force as a means to punish trespassers. The masked ones embody the unforgiving, merciless and wrathful aspects of the earth.
Their purpose in life is Revenge.
Inside this token pack you will find elven rangers and druids, armed with enchanted weapons and well camouflaged. As a bonus there are three armored wolves that you can utilize for your Ranger's animal companion.
When you wander in the great woods, take care. And know that you are being watched.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)