You ascend a craggy, bare hill, upon which squats a low stone dais. Strangely, the wind at this height is just a gentle breeze. Your companion tenderly unwraps the ancient vellum scroll, and you give a nod to proceed. As she reads the strange words, the wind increases, and suddenly you feel queasy in your gut, as if having fallen from a great height. To your shock and amazement, the hilltop is now a swirling miasma of blue light with blackness beyond. The air has become incredibly cold. Your companion softly intones, "We have successfully crossed the threshold."
This map is designed for a magical or extraplanar encounter, although it can certainly be used for other purposes. Variations include: 2 lighting colors (torchlight and moonlight), 2 artistic styles (realistic and brushed), and magical effects in blue, red and yellow. You can prepare for the encounter by placing the magical effect map (and probably a boss creature and its minions) on the GM layer, and when the encounter gets weird, just move everything to the map layer. Optimal map sizes are 10x10 or 20x20 grid cells (default is 20x20).
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)