For years now, the Aavarosi Archipelago has been caught in the grip of a cold war between the Emerald Concordant in the west and the Drakkari Ascendancy in the east. Representatives of an immense empire, the forces of the Ascendancy are ruled from on high by an upper caste of dragons, who in turn bow to a dragon emperor. They bring law, order, and a strange religion centered around a force known as the Immortal Flame – and they do so at the point of a sword.
While their conquest of the archipelago has ground to a halt, there are dark forces at play that seek to undo this uneasy peace. The daughter-in-exile of the Ascendancy’s draconic emperor, in an attempt to prove herself, has engineered the abduction of one of the Concordant’s most revered war heroes, hoping to bait them into striking at Ascendancy territory and grant her pretext for open conflict.
In response, agents of the Concordant have sought out a band of unrelated adventurers that can venture deep into Ascendancy territory, effect a rescue mission, and avert a bloody war of attrition…
This is the Downloadable Art Pack installation of the tokens, maps, and statblocks from the Voidstalkers adventures. If you would like the full adventure, you can get that >>>here<<<!
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