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This map pack for TTRPGs features 6 maps all set in the realm of the Underdark. The maps include locations such as a cavern of winding paths, a chasm with a rickety bridge, caverns illuminated by crystals, a cavern with a lava river, a cavern with glowing mushrooms, and a temple to the goddess Lolth.
The Cavern of Winding Paths features a waterfall falling from the ceiling creating a lake below overlapping wet paths. Where is this cavern located? Is it under a lake or maybe an underground river? That is up to you to decide.
The Chasm with a Bridge is a classic Underdark location with an unimaginably deep pit that no living soul knows what dwells down there. The bridge has been there for many centuries so it has some wear and tear. Will this be the last passage across it as the characters are being chased across it by rapid goblins? Or perhaps the characters go down there willing to explore what is down there.
The Crystal Caverns is an obsidian lined room with glowing purple crystals to light the way. Why do these crystals glow? Could they power some magical or divine source nearby? Or could they be toxic and the characters should avoid them at all costs!
What’s an Underdark adventure without some lava? This Lava Cavern features geysers filled with lava, and the biggest appears to be overflowing creating a river of lava across the length of the room. How will the characters get across this dangerous river? What creature could dwell down here?
Everyone loves a good glowing mushroom, this Mushroom Cavern is enveloped from the light of these glowing mushrooms. Why do they glow? Are the spores poisonous? Did that stalagmite just move?
Drow are one of the most well known creatures that dwell in the Underdark so why not add a temple to the goddess they worship the most, Lolth. This room features an alter at the back just in front of a statue of a spider and has benches for everyone to come and prey to the evil goddess. What sort of rituals could be going on here?
Disclaimer: This art pack contains assets that were generated with the aid of third-party creative software(s).
These maps were created on Inkarnate.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)