A contemporary, American-style Jail. This is typically a facility for processing and holding prisoners awaiting trial.
The building has two entrances, one for those who get to leave and one for 'guests'. There's a Booking area which then leads to holding cells and the Search and Exam rooms. Once a new guest is through those, he or she passes into the Laundry and Inmate Storage room where they get their spiffy new outfit before being shown to their room. Friends/Lawyers/Family and prisoners can almost get face-to-face in the Visiting room, and everything is being carefully observed by those in the Control room.
The included Reference image makes it easy to identify all these areas of the map.
The pack includes 9 variations of the map, all of them in Night/Day, and Gridded/Ungridded versions for a total of (30 total map images):
-Vintage (1920s/30s)
-Modern Abandoned
-Vintage Abandoned
-Modern Riot
-Vintage Riot
-Modern Empty (Unfurnished)
-Vintage Empty (Unfurnished)
This map is 2100 × 2310 px with a 70 px (5') grid (30 x 33 squares).
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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)