An abandoned graveyard just off the beach and a menacing looking crypt perched atop a steep craggy hillside... Might be worth a quick gander?
The Monster Graveyard features Day, Night, Blood Moon, Fog, B&W Film and Flooded variants. Each version of the map comes with Destroyed and Undestroyed versions of the crypt on the hill. The Day and Night variants also include a special monstrous mimic version and a version without gravestones or gargoyles.
We create maps and tokens to help bring your story to life! We’ve got traveling caravans, sprawling dungeons, spooky graveyards and more! We've also got a colourful cast of characters to accompany them in the form of tokens! Check out our full catalog over at MAP HATCHERY where we release three new packs of maps and tokens a month starting at $1 along with access to all our old content!
See what else we have to offer on our Roll20 marketplace!
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