Though the glory days of the dwarven empires have long since passed, there still remain some vestiges of their greatness.
High in the mountains of western Caspua lies the settlement of Kal Alun or “Three Serpents” in old dwarven. Though the great undercity and tunnels that once stretched deep beneath the ground have long since fallen to goblins, orcs and other horrors, a small dwarven population still dwells upon the surface level.
Excerpt from “The Elder Races” by Jark Maros
Hi all!
I am pleased to present Kal Alin, my second map set inspired by Elder Scrolls. Taking a nod to Skyrim's town of Markarth, this dwarven settlement should be a great addition to any campaign that contains everyone’s favorite bearded, blacksmithing enthusiasts.
The Reclusive Cartographer
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