The druid unleashed a Wrath of Nature spell? Your paladin just exploded a destructive wave? Or your sorcerer summoned a sickening radiance inside a room full of devils? Then show them the crazy cool effects of raw magic!!
Sidequest Battlemaps: MAGIC SPELLS 2 is a huge collection with over 100 unique spell effects, in clean versions or perfectly marked with their 5e ranges and areas, multiple elements, ready to be dragged and dropped onto your battlefield! Turn your adventures into epic tales of might and magic!!
If you don't have them yet, check out a hundred more spell effects in the Sidequest Battlemaps: Magic Spells original pack!
And if you want some high quality effects, furniture, decorations or battlemaps to add to your adventures, check out other SQ content clicking here! Enjoy!!
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)