The Rooms of Castle Direhold combines the unique detail and individuality of a bespoke battle map with the re-usability of a traditional modular tile set.
Quickly and easily drag and drop a custom castle layout in minutes.
The pack contains 20 8X10 Room Tiles. Furnished and unfurnished versions of each tile are available. The pack also includes 89 room furniture assets allowing you to furnish each tile as you see fit.
Each tile also comes with a descriptive encounter sheet, giving an overview of the room(s), a scenario and adventure hooks that the Game Master may use if he so wishes.
The cards are usually split into 3 sections:
1. A description of the tile that the game master may read out to give the flavour of the rooms within.
2. An encounter that adventurers may find within the room.
3. Treasure that the Adventurers may find if the encounter is successfully completed.
Bonus Content
10 Castle Wall Tiles and and 12 Roof Tiles from the Map Tile Pack
The Walls of Castle Direhold - Coming Soon
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)