This set of five downloadable arcane-themed maps was collected to act as a primer of sorts for sessions told within the classic premise of a school of arcane learning. Four of the five maps depict unique, but classic scenes from the genre that will grab your group's attention while balancing intriguing details with room enough for your own storytelling. The fifth map showcases the elegant Tarslemoor University, a large-scale map illustrating the entire layout of an arcane institution of knowledge to the level of completion enough that any Game Master could use it to give themselves or their players a reliable understanding of the school's layout. The maps are interwoven enough to be used sequentially in back-to-back sessions (such as the secret entrance in the Arched Repository leading to the Ritual Sanctum below) while distinguishing themselves enough to stand on their own outright.
Each map comes in variants with or without grids, unfurnished options for customization, and in the case of the Arched Repository, further variants for daytime, nighttime, mid-ritual, and PNG overlays for secret staircases and overhead bridges.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)