Two versions of a retail store with a balcony level:
1) A streetside Occult Shop in an old brick building filled with books (of forbidden lore?), crystals, wands and other paranormal paraphernalia. Shoppers can also head up the stairs to the Tea Room, perhaps to have their fortune told.
2) A sleek, modern clothing store in a mall (but also with street access), complete with an elevator to the balcony level.
Variations include one with a revealed trapdoor, one with some kind of ritual going on, and one with some 'High Strangeness' (including a toilet horror). There's 'Abandoned' (or post-apocalypse) versions of both types of stores, and 'Empty' versions for those who like to design their own retail layouts.
The pack includes 9 variations of the map, 6 in night/day, 3 in night only, and all of them in gridded/ungridded versions for a total of (30 total map images):
This map is 4660 × 2660 px with a 140 px (5') grid (29 x 19 squares).
Kidney Boy's roll20 Marketplace Page
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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)