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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Mesoamerican City Gates

Author: Cyclopean

This art will be available in the Art Library of all your games. Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits.

Price: $6.99

The Aztec capitol was famously situated in the middle of a lake. Surrounded by chinampas - artificial plots of farmland - a combination of clever diplomatic maneuvers and the natural defenses offered by the water worked to make their capitol unassailable from all known threats, at least until European contact.

Anyways, Tenochtitlan didn't have walls, but that's only because sieges can't happen without pack animals for complicated logistics reasons. Your fantasy world probably does have pack animals, and therefore a proper city requires walls. So here's a set of Aztec-inspired city gates maps, with walls, on the water.

This map comes with the following major variants:

All variants are as follows:

36 Items Included in Mesoamerican City Gates

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Clean)

city walls mesoamerican

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Square)

city walls mesoamerican

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Clean) Drawbridge Up

city gates mesoamerican

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Square) Drawbridge Up

city gates mesoamerican

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Clean) Night Drawbridge Up

city walls mesoamerican

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Clean) Night

city walls mesoamerican

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Square) Night Drawbridge Up

city gates mesoamerican

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Square) Night

wall city gates

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Square) Rain

wall city gates

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Clean) Rain

wall city gates

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Square) Rain Drawbridge Up

wall city gates

(22x34) Mesoamerican City Gates (Clean) Rain Drawbridge Up

city walls mesoamerican

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Clean)

city floating aztec

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Square)

city floating aztec

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Square) Drawbridge Up

city walls aztec

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Clean) Drawbridge Up

city gates aztec

(22x34) Gates of Babylon (Clean)

mesopotamia babylon assyria

(22x34) Gates of Babylon (Square)

walls mesopotamia babylon

(22x34) Gates of Babylon (Square) Drought

desert city walls

(22x34) Gates of Babylon (Clean) Drought

desert gates babylon

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Square) Rain Drawbridge Up

city floating aztec

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Clean) Rain

city floating aztec

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Square) Rain

city floating aztec

(22x34) Floating City Gates (Clean) Rain Drawbridge Up

city floating aztec

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