I dont care if the King himself is on that ship! Signal to them that they must immediately drop anchor and prepare to be boarded. I'll be flaid and hung out for the gulls before I let just any old tub sail into Whiteharbour without being inspected. There's no sailor, merchant or smuggler that enters these water's without first giving me my due.
– Transcript of an overheard conversation between Commander Knolts and a subordinate.
I am very excited to present to you Castle Aucia, my latest offering for this month's theme of Keeps and Castes. This island fortress would be perfect to guard the port of a large city, as an isolated anchorage in the middle of the ocean, or maybe even a pirate base. Whether laying siege or sneaking in to rescue a prisoner, this map will provide
This map pack includes several variations, each in hi-res JPG format (Map size 37 x 37):
- Core DM
- Core Player (Gridded)
- Core Player
- Desert DM
- Desert Player (Gridded)
- Desert Player
- Ice DM
- Ice Player (Gridded)
- Ice Player
- Night DM
- Night Player (Gridded)
- Night Player
- No Weapons DM
- No Weapons Player (Gridded)
- No Weapons Player
- Sandstorm DM
- Sandstorm Player (Gridded)
- Sandstorm Player
- Storm DM
- Storm Player (Gridded)
- Storm Player
- Winter DM
- Winter Player (Gridded)
- Winter Player
Let me know what you think, and if you'd like more maps I've created, consider supporting me on Patreon.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)