After a long day of travel it is always nice to find a cosy spot by the fire to exchange news with other travelers or with the caretaker who has their own hut just over the river
Map size & details
Since the map is quite large, it has been divided up into parts to keep the image quality reasonable for the file size needed to upload
* Day maps are divided in to 4 parts: Top Left = 'A' , Top Right = 'B', Lower Left = 'C', Lower Right = 'D' - each part is 20 X 20 squares
* Night maps are divided into 2 parts: Top Half = 'A', Lower Half = 'B' - Each part is 40 X 20 squares
* Roof overlays are sized to match
* Each 'square' is 140 X 140 pixels to allow for up to 200% zoom
What Map Variations are there?
* Day
* Day with roofs on the buildings
* Night
* Night with ghost fish - Map Part 'B' only as Night Part A will work with it.
* Roof overlays as transparent png's - day and night
Have fun plotting plots for this location
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