Mazes, labyrinths, stairs and dungeons. We loved them all and decided to combine them in one map. Our Stairmaze spans on 10 levels that are connected with stairs. Toss your players onto the highest level and watch them slice through the enemies of each level. We know you'll have to railroad them out of safety but that's the part of the job, innit?
On a more serious note, we recommend that you slap a smaller grid to the Stairmaze, in order to fit larger parties on small plateaus.
Enjoy your adventuring!
Battlemap properties:
Resolution: 3080x5320px @ 140 DPI
Grid: 22x38 @ 140px
Variations: Original, Broken Stairs, Toxic Gas, Flood, Blue Mist, Red Mist, Slimy, Frost, Water, Underwater, Spider, Blood Trail, Haunted, Stones and Empty
Versions: Day and night
Total: 60 maps
Support my Patreon for 60+ awesome, hand-drawn weekly battle maps.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)