With a mind always lost in the clouds of an existence that never was, the ever-changing fantasy of swords and magic through adventures of all types of Mythic Legends, good, evil, and grey, I became infatuated with TTRPG's, the worlds they contained, and wanted to build everything from my mind's eye into something exciting and tangible to share with a community of like-minded Folk.
Learn more and Help Build on the expanding Lore, Myth and Legends of "The Far" by supporting me Directly at My Patreon Page, Will try to keep updated on Twitter, and until further notice other SM platforms will stay private.
This is only the beginning of a future intended to not only entertain, but build upon an ever-sprawling Lore generations to come will want to explore, why not Join?
Community critisism and involvement is the only way to evolve a passion like this, so let us all succeed together and better our hobbies as a branching ecosystem of Friends and build a future that can support us all as a Family.