The party has been beaten to a number of punches. Their opponent seems to have had a huge lead on them the whole way. Places that should have been perfectly sealed and protected were violated. There is one last hidden place where parts of the Flail were stored. Regardless of the success of that journey, there will need to be a reckoning. And that is somewhere out in the Desert.
This is the 4th of 5 Volumes for The Chosen One campaign, using Diana P’s 3.5 Edition Character Sheet. Included in this volume is:
Previous volumes for the 3.5 Edition Character Sheet editions:
System: D&D 3.5E
Starting Level: 12
Length: Epic Adventure (6-10 sessions)
Features: Dynamic Lighting, Tokens with Stats, NPC Character Sheets, Rollable Tables, Custom Macros
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)