You had joined with a larger group, because there is safety in numbers, for a journey to the city of Ufthash. It had been a long journey, and no more than a day or so from your destination… From there your plans just get Waylaid.
Waylaid is a stand-alone module for Level 3 to 6 Characters that uses the 5E OGL Sheet by Roll20. It is released as a one-shot or stand-alone module. It includes:
*10 different maps for Roleplay and Combat
*A diversity of NPCs and ‘monsters’ to fight
*A plot in four main scenes plus prologue and epilogue.
*Dynamic Lighting included on all maps
*Quality of Life Macros built in for the GM
*Artwork by Sunset Industries
System: D&D 5e
Starting Level: 3
Length: Adventure (2-5 sessions)
Features: Dynamic Lighting, Tokens with Stats, NPC Character Sheets, Rollable Tables, Custom Macros
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)