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Designed with 5e in mind, these 48 black-&-white token markers closely match the style of the markers given to you by default, meaning they can be added to the ones you've grown accustomed to without having mismatched art styles.
Each marker is designed to be clearly visible and distinct at 100% zoom on a one-square token, with each marker clearly named with the status effect they represent. Some generic markers are included as well, such as up and down arrows and numbers 1-5.
Please note that most conditions considered to be adequately covered by the default set of token markers are not duplicated in these, such as slowed, flying, and grappled. It is intended that you continue to use the default counterpart (snail, fluffy-wing, and grab) in those cases.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)