Need to an Easy Way to Keep Track of Time in Your Game?
No problem! Here's Your Solution!
The Concept
The idea is simple. Draw one card from the Hours Deck and one from the Minutes Deck. That's your current time.
The Decks
There are two decks.
Hours Deck
This deck is like a clock's hour hand, indicating the current hour.
Minutes Deck
This deck is like a clock's minute hand, indicating how many minutes past the current hour: 5, 10, 20 minute cards plus a half-hour card.
Using the Decks
Mouse over the Hours Deck. On the pop out box on the left, click on Choose. A pop out box appears showing all the cards in the deck. Choose the appropriate hour card by either dragging onto the table top or into your hand. Repeat with every change of the hour, returning the previous card to the Hours Deck.
Do the same with the Minutes Deck, but don't discard or return any cards to the deck. Continue adding appropriate minutes cards until their total reaches the next hour. Once that happens, draw the new hour card and discard or return all minute cards.
Let's do an example:
In my game, the current time is 11:30 p.m. So, I mouse over the Hours Deck. I click on Choose and then drag the 11 p.m. Card into my hand--I prefer to hold the Time Tracker Cards in my DM's hand so I can easily consult them. Next, I mouse over the Minutes Deckand click on Choose. Then I drag the Half Hour Card into my hand. Now, I have in my hand the 11 p.m. and Half Hour cards. Together the two indicate the current time: 11:30 p.m. Now, the party explores a room which takes ten minutes to complete. I choose and add the 10 Minutes Card into my hand. The sum of the hour card and the minutes cards now indicated that it's 11:40 p.m.
The party then spends twenty minutes exploring and checking an area for traps. So, I choose and add the 20 Minutes Card to my hand, bringing the time now to Midnight. I return the 11 p.m. Card to the Hours Deck and replace it with the Midnight Card. And since we're now right on the hour, I don't need any minutes cards in my hand, so I return them to the Minutes Deck.
Repeat as needed.
That's it! Simple, right?
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