It’s the single biggest motivator among players. They may tell you otherwise until something shiny shows up. A clever Game Master can use this to their advantage and set up encounters, plot hooks, storylines and perhaps entire character arcs through this simple vice. And to that, I have an admission to make: I think hags are cool. They are an underrated villain, although not in fantasy and mythology. Therefore I’d like to implement a classic villain who plays chess while the adventurers still play checkers.
The intent for this encounter is less about combat (although potential exists for a fight) and more of a way to set up change or manipulate existing encounters on the fly. Auntie Treeshadow always has a way of manipulating others to her own ends and chooses discretion over combat whenever possible. For an immortal fey, there’s always tomorrow.
Encounter Type: Combat and social
Map: Forest encounter map
Lighting: None (flat battle map)
System: 5E
Length: One shot
Installation Type: Addon
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)